Episode 6 | Teething Tips To Soothe Your Baby

Podcast Show Notes: Episode 6 | Teething Tips To Soothe Your Baby
In this episode, we’re tackling a topic that many parents dread: teething.
Most babies get their first teeth between 6 to 12 months of age, but the journey can vary. Some babies are born with teeth, while others might not see any until they’re a year old. Regardless, teething can be a challenging time for both you and your baby.
The central 2 bottom teeth are the most common first teeth and then the upper central teeth next although your baby can get them in any order. Most children will have all 20 baby teeth by 3 years of age.
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For some babies this is a painless process where a parent notices a tooth and there have been no symptoms of teething prior to this. But for many there is some pain associated with teeth cutting through the gum.
So, how do you know if your baby is teething? Look out for signs like
- red cheeks
- dribbling/drooling
- irritable
- biting his own fists
- red swollen gums
- biting your nipple or bottle teats
- pulling at his ears
- nappy rash
- refusing feeds
- biting and chewing on everything
- refusing solids
These symptoms can come and go for many months with no teeth erupting or coming through and can disrupt your baby’s and your own sleep patterns in the process.
If your little one is showing signs of teething, there are some strategies you can try to ease their discomfort.
- Try rubbing your baby’s gums gently with a clean finger this seems to help and they will often have a bite on your finger at the same time.
- There are many different teething toys, often made from silicone or latex, some of which can be placed in the fridge to become cold and then given to your baby to chew on. Do not place toys with gel in them into the freezer as they can split open and leak.
- A wet face washer placed in the fridge or freezer can also be relieving for your baby to chew on when their gums are inflamed.
- Cold food such as yoghurt, fruit purees and frozen fruits for older babies, can relieve the discomfort.
- Teething rusks can be good for chewing on and provide some relief.
Some parents find over the counter teething medications helpful as well as paracetamol or ibuprofen. If using medications, it is important to follow the directions carefully and these should not be used every day for long periods. Teething gels can help but remember they are still a drug so always follow the direction on the tube.
What about Amber bead necklaces, while some parents find them helpful, pose a choking hazard and aren’t recommended by health experts. If you choose to use these it is best to remove them for sleep.
It’s important to remember that while teething can be painful, your baby shouldn’t be inconsolable. If the symptoms persist or worsen, it’s important to consult see your GP for a health check.
Also, contrary to popular belief teething itself doesn’t cause fevers or illness however it is common for babies to get run down and contract viruses during this time.
Teething can really interrupt good sleep patterns so as soon as your baby’s tooth comes through and their pain has reduced, it is worth trying to get them back into good sleep habits.
Teething is another milestone in your baby’s journey, albeit a challenging one. Hang in there, this phase will pass, and soon your little one will be smiling with those beautiful pearly whites on show.
Remember, you’re not alone on this journey and remember to take care of yourself too.
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- Newborn Sleep Flowchart-what to do next
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