Episode 8 | Surviving the end of daylight savings when you’re a parent!

Episode 8 surviving the end of daylight savings when you're a parent!

Podcast Episode 8:  Surviving the end of daylight savings when you’re a parent!

And today, we’re tackling a topic that’s on the minds of many parents at this time of year: surviving the end of daylight savings when you have little ones.

So, daylight savings time is ending soon, and for parents, that means adjusting not only our clocks but also our little one’s routines. This year, in 2024, daylight savings time ends at 3 am on Sunday, April 7th, in several parts of Australia – Victoria, South Aus, New South Wales, ACT and Tasmania.

That means we’ll set our clocks back by one hour, effectively making 3 am become 2 am. But let’s be real, who wants to wake up at 3 am just to change a clock? You can do this before you go to bed or first thing in the morning. And much of or technology does this automatically now too!


The pack is full of checklists and printables to help you improve sleep challenges with our flowchart, decide what to take to hospital, what equipment is essential, what to put in your nappy bag and so much more

Now, let’s talk about how this time change affects our babies and children. Picture this: your baby usually wakes up at 6 am. But after the time change, that 6 am wakeup call suddenly becomes 5 am. And if you’re anything like me, 5 am just seems too early to start the day.

Babies and children can react differently to this shift in time. Some may hardly notice it if their routine remains the same. But for others, especially those with more structured sleep patterns, the change can be disruptive.

And let’s not forget about newborns who aren’t even in a routine yet; for them, this time change might not pose much of an issue at all.

But fret not, because there are strategies we can implement to ease this transition and make it more gradual. Here’s what you can do in the 3-4 days leading up to the time change:

First, gradually adjust your child’s bedtime routine in 15-minute increments. For example, if they usually go to bed at 7 pm, try putting them down at 7:15 pm on Wednesday, then 7:30 pm on Thursday, and so on. By the time the time change rolls around, their bedtime will have naturally shifted.

Next, consider adjusting nap times gradually as well. Moving nap times forward can help sync your child’s internal clock with the new time.

Some parents find it helpful to set one clock in the house to the new time each day, moving it 15 minutes at a time. This visual cue can aid in the adjustment process.

Additionally, investing in blackout blinds or even taping black plastic over windows can help block out early morning light, signaling to your child’s body that it’s still time to sleep. Sounds extreme but some parents sware by it!

Remember to keep your days relatively low-key during this adjustment period. Avoid overly stimulating activities that might tire out your child and make it harder for them to stay up later.

As evening approaches, dim the lights and use lamps instead of bright overhead lighting to help create a calm environment conducive to sleep. In morning open up blinds and sit near a window for breakfast to help body to adjust.

White noise machines can also be beneficial in drowning out any outside disturbances that might disrupt your child’s sleep.

And here’s a tip for older children: consider using a clock that lights up in the morning when they’re allowed to get out of bed. This visual cue can help them understand when it’s time to start the day, especially if they’re early risers. This worked well for us all year round as or children were all early risers and often just a little too early to get the day started.

Lastly, remember that it’s not just the little ones who need time to adjust. Adults, older children, and teenagers may also feel a bit “off” for a few days as their bodies adapt to the new time.

And there you have it, with a little preparation and patience, you and your little ones can survive the end of daylight savings without too much disruption to your routines.

Connect With Me:

Web: www.BelindaJoyce.com
Facebook: @BelindaJoyceMidwife
Instagram: @belinda_joyce_midwife
TikTok: @belinda_joyce_midwife

Download Belinda’s FREE Baby Bundle:

  • Checklists for baby equipment, hospital bag, nappy bag, travel & childcare bag
  • Newborn Sleep Flowchart-what to do next
  • Baby Feed & Sleep Tracker


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Music: https://www.purple-planet.com

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