Episode 24 | Navigating Infant Feeding: Making the Right Choice Between Breast and Bottle

Ep 24 | Navigating Infant Feeding: Making the Right Choice Between Breast and Bottle
Today, we’re talking about one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a new Mum: how to feed your baby.
There are many factors that influence whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby. Friends, family, media, society, and even our inner critic can all impact this decision. As parents, and especially as mothers, we have hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties. Questions like “How do I want to feed my baby?” “Will I be able to breastfeed?” and “Will people judge me if I choose to bottle feed?” are common.
The choice of how to feed your baby is very personal and should be an informed decision.
Let’s start with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the natural way to feed your baby and for many mothers, it is very important to them to successfully breastfeed. It is reassuring to know that most women will be able to successfully breastfeed given good support and information. There has been much research done in the last 20 years which has greatly improved the ability of health professionals to assist women to successfully breastfeed.
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All research studies and information show that breastfeeding is by far the best and healthiest choice for your baby. Breastfeeding provides essential nutrients and antibodies that promote your baby’s health and development.
However, for some women and families, breastfeeding is not successful or not best for them. They decide not to continue for a variety of reasons, such as medical conditions for the mother or baby, medications that are not safe to use while breastfeeding, low milk supply, or pain and damage to nipples that don’t improve with support. Other reasons include not feeling comfortable breastfeeding, work commitments, unsuccessful experiences with previous babies, and many others.
For many mothers, the decision to bottle feed is made worse by feelings of failure and self-doubt because breastfeeding didn’t work out for them and their baby.
Bottle Feeding:
Others choose to bottle feed with formula from the beginning for many of the same reasons. Sometimes, these mothers feel judged or misunderstood by midwives at the hospital or even their own friends and family about this decision which is unfortunate. This is a decision that only you can make and no one should be making you feel this way. We have access to clean water, the ability to sterilise and good quality baby formula with strict quality guidelines in Australia. Many babies thrive feeding on formula alone.
Mixed Feeding:
Many mothers choose to combine both breastfeeding and bottle feeding with formula for a variety of reasons. These reasons include low milk supply, work commitments, wanting more freedom, or a partner wanting to help bottle feed their baby to reduce the mother’s workload when expressing milk is not the preferred option.
In the end, the choice of how to feed your baby is deeply personal. It’s important to know that you’re not alone in facing these challenges, and there is support available to help you make the best decision for you and your baby as well as for your family.
In coming episodes we will discuss both breastfeeding and bottle feeding methods, the pro and cons of each type of feeding as well as some tips and detailed information.
Please know that I will not judge you for your decision. I want to support you with whichever method you choose even if that changes along the way. Any decision you make in your first pregnancy is made without experiencing it first hand and therefore may need to change as needed.
Remember, the best choice is the one that works best for you and your baby.
Connect With Belinda:
Web: www.BelindaJoyce.com
Facebook: @BelindaJoyceMidwife
Instagram: @belinda_joyce_midwife
TikTok: @belinda_joyce_midwife
Download Belinda’s FREE Baby Bundle:
- Checklists for baby equipment, hospital bag, nappy bag, travel & childcare bag
- Newborn Sleep Flowchart-what to do next
- Baby Feed & Sleep Tracker
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