Episode 4 | The Importance of Burping Your Baby, Why & How

Podcast Episode 4 Burping Your Baby

Podcast Show Notes: Episode 4 | Burping, Why & How

Today, we’re tackling a question many new parents have: The importance of burping your baby, why & how.

As a mum, you know how uncomfortable it can be to have trapped gas. Well, babies experience the same discomfort. Babies need to be burped during and after breast and bottle feeds because they can’t do it on their own.

Burping helps release trapped air from their stomachs, making them more comfortable. Wind that is past here, in the bowel for instance is too far down and at least some of this wind is likely to have been produced from the digestive process rather than from feeding or swallowing air. This wind can only be expelled by them passing wind! passed from the bottom as a fart!


The pack is full of checklists and printables to help you improve sleep challenges with our flowchart, decide what to take to hospital, what equipment is essential, what to put in your nappy bag and so much more

But when should you burp your baby? Is it just after feeds? Actually, burping a little between breasts during breastfeeding or halfway through a bottle feed can help make room for more milk and ensure a comfortable feed. Look for signs like slowing down or squirming to know when your baby needs a burp. And another burp at the end of feeds is important too.

Mum burping baby over shoulder

Now, let’s talk about how to burp your baby. The most common position is over the shoulder. Hold your baby upright, facing towards you, and gently rub and pat their back. Gravity and gentle pressure on the stomach help bring up the burps. But there are other positions too, like sitting up on your lap with their chin supported or face down lying across your lap on their tummy. Find what works best for you and your baby.

But how long do you need to burp your baby for? Just a minute or two is usually plenty. Every baby is different, so you’ll learn over time if your baby needs a little longer to burp. And don’t worry if you can’t get a burp up sometimes. It’s normal for babies to burp later, even when they’re sleeping. In the past parents would often burp their baby’s for long periods, there is no evidence to show that this is necessary.

Now, let’s address a common concern: spitting up versus vomiting. Spitting up (or what we tend to call it, possiting) is normal, as your baby’s stomach muscle isn’t fully matured.

But vomiting, especially if it’s forceful or accompanied by other symptoms, should be discussed with a healthcare professional as it can impact on their health hydration and of course their growth.

What if your baby falls asleep during feeding? Should you still burp them? Absolutely. Burping gives them a chance to release any trapped air, even if they’re less likely to burp while asleep. Try to support them and just being upright is often enough.

And remember, after long bouts of crying or when your baby seems uncomfortable, a burp might help ease their discomfort.

In fact many parents find themselves holding their baby against them and patting or rubbing their back becomes a habit and this is often helpful at any time.

As your baby grows, they’ll become more efficient at burping on their own. But in the meantime, trust your instincts and get to know your baby’s cues. Some babies need to be burped every time, while others might not need it as much.

So, take care and happy burping! Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Trust yourself, you are your baby’s expert, cherish these moments, and know that you’re doing an amazing job.

Connect With Me:

Web: www.BelindaJoyce.com
Facebook: @BelindaJoyceMidwife
Instagram: @belinda_joyce_midwife
TikTok: @belinda_joyce_midwife

Download Belinda’s FREE Baby Bundle:

  • Checklists for baby equipment, hospital bag, nappy bag, travel & childcare bag
  • Newborn Sleep Flowchart-what to do next
  • Baby Feed & Sleep Tracker


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